You may seem like the perfect couple.  Physically, you look good together.  Mentally, you just click because you have the same interests and seem to have the same wavelength of thinking.  Emotionally however, you ended up hurting each other and saying all sorts of nasty things.  The laughter has turned to tears and the feelings of fondness have turned to anger and hurt.  Now after breaking up, you suddenly realize that you two belong together.  You are perfect for each other despite your differences.  If you want to gather your guts and try your luck in restoring what you had, these are some tips on how to get back with boyfriend.

First, give him some space.  I know you are eager to get back together but he is probably still hurt and angry.  That is not really the best time to talk to him.  Give him room to breathe, allow him to calm down and give him time to sort out his emotions.  He needs it and you need it too, whether you believe it or not.  That is step one of how to win back your boyfriend.

Second, embrace your singleness.  Don’t worry, it’s temporary but you need to learn to love yourself all over again.  The problem with some people in a relationship is that they lose sight of who they are just to make the other happy.  That should not be the case with you.  Love yourself.  That is the second step on how to win back your boyfriend.

Third, once you are ready and calm, you can gather your guts to talk to your ex boyfriend.  There is no need to be dramatic about it.  Just be honest and lay your cards on the table.  If he is still the man you love, then he will give your relationship another chance.

Filed under: Get Back with Ex

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